Technoloty News :  Cameo now lets you have 10-minute calls with celebs .

Technoloty News : Cameo now lets you have 10-minute calls with celebs .

The dream to find out what actually happened on your favorite show last week, spill the tea with the Real Housewives or learn about your favorite artists’ creative process is now underway as Cameo launches a new feature, Cameo Live. This new 10-minute video calling feature allows users and their friends to have a live…

Technoloty News :  Pixelmator Photo is coming to Mac with a new subscription-based model .

Technoloty News : Pixelmator Photo is coming to Mac with a new subscription-based model .

The longtime iOS and iPadOS image editing application Pixelmator Photo, a companion to the popular Pixelmator Pro, is embracing subscriptions as it heads to the Mac. Previously the app was available for an upfront charge of $7.99 but will now offer either monthly or annual pricing.  Going forward, the app will now cost users $4.99…

Technoloty News :  Revolut to allow users to donate to the homeless via the Beam crowdfunding platform .

Technoloty News : Revolut to allow users to donate to the homeless via the Beam crowdfunding platform .

The world is entering a huge cost of living crisis, which will inevitably result in a rise in homelessness. But donating to homeless people has yet to go fully digital. Challenger bank Monzo allowed the opening of limited accounts for the homeless using methods like a benefits letter or one from a homeless shelter, for…